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Rainbow Bridge
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Our spoiled, rotten, beagle. She will always be the love of our life. We met Katie as a young puppy at a SAR adoption fair and knew the moment we saw her she was ours.
Not one adventure have we been on that Katie wasn't at our side. Our lives forever changed by the wag of her tail, and the love in her
eyes. Katie never met a stranger and she brought such joy with a smile to everyone she met.
Katie truly showed us what it is like to feel unconditional love and devotion. Everyone should be so fortunate to experience such a
After just 7 short, but beautiful years Katie lost her battle with cancer and left us for the Rainbow Bridge. Even though a small piece
of our heart has left with Katie, we know someday we will meet her at the bridge and be able once again to hold her and spoil her
forever more.
Katie's Forever Family
RIP our precious Brady. Rescued from being chained out and starved, Brady came to us in great need of medical care and lots of TLC. He was doing so well until the day he suffered from a twisted stomach and underwent an emergency procedure to save his life. The procedure was successful, but Brady was never the same. After months of rehab, we had to let Brady go. Brady....may you be lying in the sunshine at this very moment, pain free and watching the geese swim on a gorgeous pond! Love always...
RIP sweet Tiramisu (SuSu). She was used as a breeding dog and never properly cared for. But she made the most of her present life, spending her days being loved and returning much love and joy to those who surrounded her. As her liver failed, Tiramisu slipped peacefully away, leaving behind broken hearts of those who loved and cared for her. But oh how much Tiramisu taught us. Her pawprint will always be on our hearts. Tiramisu, may you always have fields of green, green grass and warm rays of sunshine!
RIP kitten Sophie. This little one was literally left on the counter of a vet's office by a callous person whose last words were "throw it out the door for all I care, I'm not taking care of it." And so began the battle for Sophie's life.
Between vet staff and SAR volunteers, this little one was fed every 2 hours and given sub-q fluids throughout the day. Little Sophie lived for several days, but lost her battle shortly before she was a week old. Please, please, please spay and neuter your pets! Unwanted puppies and kittens are born every day only to face life or death obstacles like Sophie. This little one touched many hearts while she was here on Earth and she won't be forgotten.
Brandy-Lynn was an owner surrender at the age of 9. She was fragile and sickly, and we later discovered that she was positive for Lyme Disease. After further investigation, we found that the owner's were aware of her disease, refused treatment from their vet and purposefully did not make our agency aware of her illness. Prior to being diagnosed for Lyme Disease, Brandy-Lynn had not seen the vet in 8 years! We have no idea how long she had Lyme Disease, but this highly treatable disease had been left untreated and caused irreversable damage to her body. Brandy-Lynn received treatment for her Lyme Disease and lived a wonderful 3 months with her foster family. She was loved and cared for and her death was mourned. She may not have been cared for properly in her first 9 years of life, but she was spoiled rotten her last 3 months. Many tears were shed over her death and we know that given proper care throughout her life, she could still be with us today. We are so glad to have been given the opportunity to meet, love and care for Miss Brandy-Lynn and she will remain in our hearts forever as yet another reminder of the neglect that some animals face on a daily basis. We love you Brandy-Lynn!
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