Rosie is an American Foxhound mix weighing in at 53 lbs. She is about 1 year old now and is a very smart and loving dog.
Rosie was adopted out in March 2011, but she got much bigger than anyone anticipated. Her family loves her very much, but they want her to have the space, attention and exercise that she needs. Rosie has had professional training and loves to have a job to do. She is an inside dog who needs a fenced in yard to run in and would love to have another doggy companion!
Rosie gets along fantastic with everyone she meets; even tries to befriend cats that don’t want a thing to do with her. She is very good with children. Loves to play fetch and is super intelligent. She loves to RUN for 20-30 minutes at a time, her current family tries to do this at least 2 times per day. Rosie is up to date on all shots, has been spayed, and is potty and crate trained.
If you would like to meet Rosie please fill out an application from our website.
About Rosie
Status: Adopted!
Species: Dog
General Color: Brown/Chocolate with White
Declawed: No
Housetrained: Yes
More about Rosie
Good with Dogs, Good with Cats, Good with Kids
Other Pictures of Rosie (click to see larger version):